Yavapai College Gunsmithing School

On their gunsmithing program page, Yavapai College claims to have the best gunsmithing school in the nation, but is it true? Let’s take a look at Yavapai College’s gunsmithing school and see how it stacks up!

What Do You Learn in Yavapai’s Gunsmithing School?

At Yavapai College, they warn you from the start that their gunsmithing school isn’t for those who wish to be firearm repairmen. Not that you wouldn’t learn a lot from it, but the goal of Yavapai College’s gunsmithing school is to prepare you for entry level employment in the firearms industry.

In their gunsmithing school, you can expect to learn things like how to safely operate hand and machine tools; how to use micrometers, indicators, and verniers; how to use a computer to create ballistic data; how to identify rifle operating systems; how to identify, repair, and modify shotguns, rifles, pistols, and revolvers; how to perform computer assisted drafting.

Since the focus of the course is specifically on getting a job within the firearms industry, they also cover business related topics like developing business plans; applying for small business loans; creating marketing tools like advertisements and brochures; and developing a price list for technical services.

Unlike other technical training schools like Modern Gun School or AGI Gunsmithing Institute, Yavapai College’s gunsmithing school is an actual college degree program that results in you earning an Associate of Applied Science degree in Gunsmithing. As such, your education will include not only classes directly related to gunsmithing, but also general education classes like writing, numeracy, critical thinking, etc. Depending on your preference, this could be an advantage or disadvantage of the program.

Yavapai Gunsmithing School

An Offline Gunsmithing School in Prescott, AZ

Yavapai College’s gunsmithing school is not an online program. In order to enroll, you have to move to Prescott, Arizona for a couple years. The benefit of an offline program is that you will be able to learn directly under master gunsmiths and use lots of expensive machinery and tools which you might not otherwise get to use. The downside is that you may not be able or willing to make that move, or there could even be a comparable program closer to where you live, like the excellent Murray State College gunsmithing school.

How Much Does Yavapai College’s Gunsmithing School Cost?

Yavapai College’s gunsmithing school costs significantly more than online and distance programs like Penn Foster, Modern Gun School, or AGI Gunsmithing Institute. This is understandable since Yavapai’s gunsmithing school is a full-fledged, accredited degree program. The good news is that, as far as offline gunsmithing schools go, Yavapai College’s degree program is really affordable. The estimated cost of an Associate of Applied Science degree in gunsmithing at Yavapai College is around $8000.

Is Yavapai College Gunsmithing School Right For You?

Before deciding on where to get your gunsmith training, consider your priorities. Do you prefer a self-paced course you can complete from anywhere or do you prefer very traditional hands-on vocational training? Do you have a small budget for your education or a large budget? If you answered the latter option for both questions, Yavapai College might be great for you. Otherwise, skip Yavapai’s gunsmithing school for online or distance learning courses.